The broad-host-range, heat-tolerant Rhizobium strain BR816 produces su
lphated Nod metabolites. Two ORFs highly homologous to the Sinorhizobi
um meliloti nodPQ genes were isolated and sequenced. It was found that
Rhizobium sp. BR816 contained two copies of these genes; one copy was
localized on the symbiotic plasmid, the other on the megaplasmid. Bot
h nodP genes were interrupted by insertion of antibiotic resistance ca
ssettes. thus constructing a double nodP1P2 mutant strain. however. no
detectable differences in Nod factor TLC profile from this mutant wer
e observed as compared to the wild-type strain. Additionally, plant in
oculation experiments did not reveal differences between the mutant st
rain and the wild-type. It is proposed that a third, functionally homo
logous locus complements mutations in the Nod factor sulphation genes.
Southern blot analysis suggested that this locus contains genes neces
sary for the sulphation of amino acids.