There has recently been great interest in growth by molecular beam epi
taxy of GaAs films on non-(001) oriented GaAs substrates. This has occ
urred largely because of the possibility of fabricating novel device s
tructures such as quantum wires and quantum boxes using patterned subs
trates, However, the growth of high quality lattice matched and mismat
ched structures on non-(001) GaAs substrates has had a reputation amon
gst many researchers of being 'difficult'. Epitaxial layers grown on t
hese surfaces have generally had poor surface morphology, bad crystall
ine quality and irreproducible dopant incorporation behaviour. In this
paper we will show that the growth of these materials is not 'difficu
lt', but 'different' and that provided suitable growth conditions are
used then high quality layers may be deposited on all substrate orient
ations, As an illustration we will use reflection high energy electron
diffraction to predict the conditions for high quality growth GaAs on
the GaAs(111)A. We will then extend this to the mismatched (InGa)As:G
aAs(111)A system. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.