Background: Lichen amyloidosus (LA) is generally said to be a pruritic
type of amyloidosis of unknown cause. Histopathologically, it is char
acterized by epidermal changes of lichen simplex chronicus and by depo
sits of amyloid in the papillary dermis that are derived from keratin
peptides of necrotic keratinocytes. Chronic scratching is responsible
for the development of lichen simplex chronicus and may lead to necros
is of individual keratinocytes. Objective: Our purpose was to evaluate
whether chronic scratching may also be responsible for the formation
of amyloid in LA. Methods: We studied patients with LA in regard to hi
stopathologic findings, onset of pruritus, associated diseases, and re
sponse to treatment. Results: In most cases, pruritus had preceded the
skin lesions. Eight of nine patients suffered from diseases other tha
n LA that may be associated with pruritus. Histopathologically, amyloi
d was confined to areas that also showed signs of lichen simplex chron
icus. Systemic treatment with sedating antihistamines and intense loca
l treatment with corticosteroids were found to be effective. Conclusio
n: LA is considered to be a variant of lichen simplex chronicus in whi
ch scratching leads to necrosis of keratinocytes and eventually to the
formation of amyloid in the papillary dermis. Because chronic scratch
ing seems to be the cause and not the result of the deposits of amyloi
d, treatment should be directed at the amelioration of pruritus.