Objective. To evaluate the MRI appearances in insufficiency fractures.
Design. A retrospective analysis of spin echo MK images with gadolini
um-enhancement was undertaken with the emphasis on the signal change a
nd the shape of the fracture gap and the adjacent bone marrow. Patient
s. Five elderly women who had ischiopubic insufficiency fractures (pub
is, 4; ischium 1) underwent MRI to exclude the possibility of patholog
ic fractures. Results and conclusions. In no case was contrast enhance
ment noted at the fracture gap or the adjacent bone marrow, but a clef
t-life, elongated bright signal area suggesting ''fluid collection'' w
as noted within the fracture gap. Absence of contrast enhancement and
''fluid collection'' at the fracture gap might suggest nonunion of a f
racture, which is additional information provided only by MRI.