Topics of this review are the bronchopulmonary manifestations of gastr
oesophageal reflux disease, cirrhosis of the liver and chronic inflamm
atory bowel diseases. About 20% patients with chronic obstructive airw
ay disease show evidence tf gastroesophageal reflux disease. Reflex br
onchoconstriction seems to be of greater importance than microaspirati
on. First studies show the positive effects of acid inhibition by prot
on pump inhibitors on pulmonary symptoms. Hepatorenal syndrome is char
acterized by arterial hypoxemia with p(a)O(2)-values <70 mm Hg. Differ
ent mediators (endotoxins, amines, polypeptides or allergens) are disc
ussed. Furthermore, elevated levels of prostacycline, atrial natriuret
ic factor and platelet activating factor have been described. Recently
published studies focused on the role of nitric oxide (NO). Patients
with cirrhosis of the liver show a higher rate of a pathologically ele
vated airway resistance which might be induced by a reduced histamine
clearance. Ascites leads to reversible restrictive airway disease. Bro
nchopulmonary manifestations in chronic inflammatory bowel diseases in
clude obstructive and restrictive airway diseases, vascular or serosal
changes and show low clinical evidence. In contrast, pathological cha
nges of the common function tests were found in 30 to 50%. These findi
ngs may be induced by circulating immune complexes, vasculitis, increa
sed permeability or a combined immune reaction of both, the bronchial
and intestinal mucosa. Undesired effects of salicylates should be take
n into account. This review shows that bronchopulmonary manifestations
in diseases of the G1-tract or the liver are more common than usually
known and should be taken into clinical consideration.