This paper presents a multistage random sampling fuzzy c-means-based c
lustering algorithm, which significantly reduces the computation time
required to partition a data set into c classes. A series of subsets o
f the full data set are used to create initial cluster centers in orde
r to provide an approximation to the final cluster centers. The qualit
y of the final partitions is equivalent to those created by fuzzy c-me
ans. The speed-up is normally a factor of 2-3 times, which is especial
ly significant for high-dimensional spaces and large data sets. Exampl
es of the improved speed of the algorithm in two multi-spectral domain
s, magnetic resonance image segmentation and satellite image segmentat
ion, are given. The results are compared with fuzzy c-means in terms o
f both the time required and the final resulting partition. Significan
t speedup is shown in each example presented in the paper. Further, th
e convergence properties of fuzzy c-means are preserved. (C) 1998 Else
vier Science B.V.