Thioredoxin, and particularly extracellular thioredoxin, presents an a
ttractive target for developing novel agents to treat cancer. Our stud
ies have involved the examination of a series of alkyl 2-imidazolyl di
sulfides as inhibitors of the growth-stimulatory activity of the thior
edoxin system. We originally determined the disulfides to be weak reve
rsible inhibitors of thioredoxin reductase. Subsequently, we have show
n that alkyl 2-imidazolyl disulfides interact directly with thioredoxi
n, thioalkylating critical cysteine residues or causing dimerization o
f the protein leading to its loss of biological activity. One of the a
nalogues that binds to thioredoxin, 1-methylpropyl 2-imidazolyl disulf
ide (1V-2), selectively inhibits the thioredoxin-dependent growth of t
umor cells in culture and has antitumor activity against MCF-7 and HL-
60 tumors in vivo. Our work involves the development of a parallel com
binatorial synthetic method to produce a large number of disulfide ana
logues at one time. These analogues, which differ sterically, electron
ically, and physically, were produced in a 96-well plate. The biologic
al activity of these analogues was evaluated, also in the 96-well plat
e format. This rapid method of evaluating biological activity is a mea
ns to identify agents with specificity for inhibition of the thioredox
in system, and may provide novel antitumor agents with activity agains
t solid tumor cancers.