This paper deals with analysis of data from longitudinal studies where
the rate of a recurrent event characterizing morbidity is the primary
criterion for treatment-evaluation. We consider clinical trials which
require patients to visit their clinical center at successive schedul
ed times as part of follow-up. At each visit, the patient reports the
number of events that occurred since the previous visit, or an examina
tion reveals the number of accumulated events, such as skin cancers. T
he exact occurrence times of the events are unavailable and the actual
patient visit times typically vary randomly about the scheduled follo
w-up times. Each patient's record thus consists of a sequence of clini
c visit dates, event counts corresponding to the successive time inter
vals between clinic visits, and baseline covariates. We propose a semi
parametric regression model, extending the fully parametric model of T
hall (1988, Biometrics 44, 197-209), to estimate and test for covariat
e effects on the rate of events over time while also accounting for th
e possibly time-varying nature of the underlying event rate. Covariate
effects enter the model parametrically, while the underlying time-var
ying event rate is modelled nonparametrically. The method of Severini
and Wong (1992, Annals of Statistics 20, 1768-1802) is used to constru
ct asymptotically efficient estimators of the parametric component and
to specify their asymptotic distribution. A simulation study and appl
ication to a data set are provided.