The history of ''nondisease'' dates back, at least 4000 years, to earl
y descriptions of hysteria. More recently somatization became a part o
f the official diagnostic nomenclature by creation of the DSM III cate
gory, ''somatoform disorders.'' Somatization can serve as a rationaliz
ation for psychosocial problems or as a coping mechanism, and for some
illness, becomes a way of life. One variation of somatization can be
the ''fashionable diagnosis'', for example, fibromyalgia, multiple che
mical sensitivities, dysautonomia, and, in the past, ''reactive hypogl
ycemia''. These disorders are phenomenologically related to environmen
tal or occupational syndromes and mass psychogenic illness. Fashionabl
e illnesses are characterized by (i) vague, subjective multisystem com
plaints, (ii) a lack of objective laboratory findings, (iii) quasi-sci
entific explanations, (iv) overlap from one fashionable diagnosis to a
nother, (v) symptoms consistent with depression or anxiety or both, (v
i) denial of psychosocial distress or attribution of it to the illness
. Fashionable diagnoses represent a heterogeneous collection of physic
al diseases, somatization, and anxiety or depression. They are final c
ommon symptomatic pathways for a variety of influences including envir
onmental factors, intrapersonal distress and solutions to social probl
ems. A fashionable diagnosis allows psychosocial distress to be comfor
tably hidden from both the patient and the physician, but premature la
beling can also mask significant physical disease. Hysteria remains al
ive and well and one contemporary hiding place is fashionable illness.