Bb. Arnetz, TECHNOLOGICAL STRESS - PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF WORKING WITH MODERN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 23, 1997, pp. 97-103
There is rapid technological transformation occurring in both work and
social life. The results of information technology, such as mobile te
lephones, computers, and electronic networks, have been looked upon as
the key to solving several of the most pressing problems of the Weste
rn world. At the same time, numerous studies have shown that the great
majority of computerization projects fail to meet their deadlines wit
h the originally specified functionality mainly because human factors
are not sufficiently taken into account during the planning and implem
entation phase of the project. In a study of the bodily, mental, and p
sychophysiological reactions of employees involved in the design of ad
vanced telecommunications systems and of office employees using regula
r video display technology, several stress-related psychosomatic disor
ders have been identified. They include sleep disturbances, psychophys
iological stress and somatic complaints. Controlled intervention progr
ams aimed at enhancing organizational structures and individual coping
strategies have been proved effective in counteracting the negative e
ffects of working with information technology. The two-way interaction
between the external information technology environment and bodily an
d mental reactions needs to be taken more into account in the design a
nd use of modern information technology. There appears to be an increa
sed awareness of human aspects when the risks and benefits of the rapi
d spread of information technologies are discussed.