The concluding discussion of the symposium The Environmental Syndrome-
Psychosomatic Experience Induced by Environmental Factors was held as
a tribute to Professor Georg Klein, a distinguished scientist, cancer
researcher, philosopher, and writer. The intention was to make possibl
e a discussion where the experts in the field of psychosomatic disorde
rs could approach the aspects presented by a scientist of molecular bi
ology and cancer research-fields of medicine which are as far as possi
ble from psychiatry. On the basis of his own life experiences, Profess
or Klein can be regarded as a person who has overcome experiences, whi
ch, for most people would lay a foundation for profound psychosomatic
symptomatology. His cultural background and his way of coping, however
, illustrate how such experiences can be converted into strengthening
of the mind, into intellectual advantages and into heightened creativi
ty. The discussion commenced with an interview, in which Professor Edw
ard Shorter, a leading medical historian with special interest in psyc
hosomatics, through his questions to Professor Klein, helped recreate
a vivid picture of the background of one of the great personalities in
today's medical science. From this the participants were able to see
how positive and negative stressors act in the formation of personalit