Determining the exact location of buried waste trenches is an importan
t step in the characterization and remediation of certain hazardous wa
ste sites. Remotely sensed data offers a rich source of information fo
r accomplishing this task. This paper presents an investigation of bur
ied waste trenches located at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) usi
ng thermal remote sensing. A comparison of historical aerial photograp
hy and recently collected thermal imagery reveals a thermal signature
which coincides with the precise locations of buried waste trenches. S
tatistical analysis of extensive ground measurements shows a clear the
rmal difference between the trench and control areas, with the trenche
s exhibiting cooler temperatures and greater soil moisture. By incorpo
rating the imagery-derived information into site remediation plans, OR
NL realized a cost avoidance of more than U.S. $5 000 000. Similar ben
efits can be anticipated at other DOE waste sites.