A wavelet-based tool for the analysis of long-range dependence and a r
elated semi-parametric estimator of the Hurst parameter is introduced,
The estimator is shown to be unbiased under very general conditions,
and efficient under Gaussian assumptions, It can be implemented very e
fficiently allowing the direct analysis of very large data sets, and i
s highly robust against the presence of deterministic trends, as wed a
s allowing their detection and identification. Statistical, computatio
nal, and numerical comparisons are made against traditional estimators
including that of Whittle. The estimator is used to perform a thoroug
h analysis of the long-range dependence in Ethernet traffic traces, Ne
w features are found with important implications for the choice of val
id models for performance evaluation, A study of mono versus multifrac
tality is also performed, and a preliminary study of the stationarity
with respect to the Hurst parameter and deterministic trends.