In this correspondence, various aspects of reliability-based syndrome
decoding of binary codes are investigated. First, it is shown that the
least reliable basis (LRB) and the most reliable basis (MRB) are dual
of each other. By exploiting this duality, an algorithm performing ma
ximum-likehbood (ML) soft-decision syndrome decoding based on the LRB
is presented. Contrarily to previous LRB-hased ML syndrome decoding al
gorithms, this algorithm is more conveniently implementable for codes
whose codimension is not small. New sufficient conditions for optimali
ty are derived. These renditions exploit both the ordering associated
with the LRB and the structure of the code considered. With respect to
MRB based sufficient conditions, they present the advantage of requir
ing no soft information and thus can be preprocessed and stored. Based
on these conditions, low-complexity soft-derision syndrome decoding a
lgorithms for particular classes of codes are proposed. Finally, a sim
ple algorithm is analyzed. After the construction of the LRB, this alg
orithm computes the syndrome of smallest Hamming weight among o(K-i) c
andidates, where K is the dimension of the code, for an order i of rep
rocessing, At practical bit-error rates, for codes of length N less th
an or equal to 128, this algorithm always outperforms any algebraic de
coding algorithm capable of correcting up to t+1 errors with an order
of reprocessing of at most 2, where t is the error-correcting capabili
ty of the code considered.