Since 1950, Danish agriculture has increased its production, and has b
ecome very specialized and highly and consistenly productive both per
unit area and per unit resource. The negative effects of agriculture a
re starting to weigh too heavily on the environment, e.g. fertilizer r
esidues in water, pesticides in food and water, and resource use. In o
rder to reduce the loss of nutrients and change the landscape to facil
itate higher biodiversity, several national programs have been set up
between 1980 and 1990. In 1987, the first Danish law to introduce orga
nic farming was approved. Sustainable development has two sides, the w
ell-being of human society, and that of the natural environment. A thi
rd component explicitly includes succeeding generations. We conclude t
hat the intentions of sustainable development are more easily formulat
ed than the means by which they can be achieved. Our final conclusion
is that radical change of direction in Danish agriculture is not appar
ent at present nor is such a change likely to happen quickly, even if
desired, because of social and economic resistances.