We are honored to address the European Group of Risk and Insurance Eco
nomists and will take the opportunity to make some reflections on the
rather uneasy relationship between insurance and competition. Economis
ts generally prescribe competition as a solution for markets that do n
ot work well. Competition allocates resources efficiently and encourag
es innovation and attention to what customers want. Insurance markets
differ from most other markets because in insurance markets competitio
n can destroy the market rather than make it work better One of the di
mensions along which insurance companies compete is underwriting-tryin
g to ensure that the risks covered are ''good'' risks or that if a hig
h risk is insured, the premium charged is at least commensurate with t
he potential cost. The resulting partitioning of risk limits the amoun
t of insurance that potential insurance customers can buy. In the extr
eme case, such competitive behavior will destroy the insurance market
altogether. A simple model illustrates.