K. Suzumura, JAPAN INDUSTRIAL-POLICY AND ACCESSION TO THE GATT - A TEACHER BY POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE EXAMPLES, Hitotsubashi journal of economics, 38(2), 1997, pp. 101-123
We examine the lessons to China's accession to the GATT/WTO from Japan
's industrial policy and accession to the GATT. The experience of Japa
n is neatly reviewed, and Japan's industrial policy is briefly charact
erized with special emphasis on the three roles competition plays in t
he context of industrial policy formation and implementation. The firs
t role is played in the actual market place, where interfirm competiti
on takes place, the second role is played in the policy forum, where p
ublic decision-making on industrial policy takes place, and the third
role is played in the jurisdictional dispute, where inter-ministrial c
ompetition takes place. The paper then asks the crucial question: What
's wrong with bilateral negotiations and dispute settlements outside t
he GATT/WTO set of rules? Based on these preliminary analyses, several
remarks will be made on China's accession to the GATT/WTO regime with
special reference to her current industrial policy.