The aim of the present study was to develop and validate the Exercise
Dependence Questionnaire (EDQ). 86 statements, derived from semi struc
tured questionnaires, were used to develop a self report rating scale
which was completed by 449 subjects who exercised for more than 4 hour
s a week. Factor analysis was used and items not loading onto any fact
ors (<0.6), that loaded onto more than one factor or intercorrelated g
reater than 0.6 were rejected from the analysis. The final EDQ consist
ed of 29 items and eight factors; interference with social/family/work
life, positive reward withdrawal symptoms, exercise for weight contro
l, insight into problem, exercise for social reasons, exercise for hea
lth reasons and stereotyped behaviour. These factors were shown to hav
e good internal reliability. The questionnaire was then partially vali
dated against the Eating Attitudes Test, the Profile of Mood States fa
ctors; depression, anxiety fatigue and vigour, perceptions of control
over behaviour and characteristics of exercise behaviour.