This paper describes a model of information retrieval as social intera
ction, which distinguishes between three types of information interact
ion goals: those which are: 1) task and 2) topically oriented; and tho
se which are 3) centered around situation assessment. The concept of s
ituation assessment (SA) refers to a process of situational inference
in which people attempt to understand the social dimensions of the int
eraction space they are in. Based upon the theory of social interactio
n, four dimensions of SA are identified: assessment of 1) self-perform
ance; 2) norm of interaction; 3) communication conventions; and 4) int
ersubjectivity. An empirical investigation of the nature of situation
assessment was conducted in one new information retrieval environment.
Fifty experienced online searchers performed searches using an IR sys
tem that contained several features that were new to them. Verbal prot
ocol data were content analyzed for the appearance of assessment expre
ssions. Results of this study suggest that situation assessment is an
important cognitive activity in new information retrieval environments
. SA expressions appear more frequently than do those related to eithe
r task or topical relevance. At the same time, situation assessment is
found to be negatively associated with one performance measure looked
at here-number of documents saved by searchers. Implications of these
results for IR theory and system design are discussed in the conclusi