It is generally recognized that the majority of health care has been l
argely based upon opinion rather than research evidence of clinical ef
fectiveness. Attempts to rectify this have been initiated by increasin
g emphasis on the dissemination of findings. For example, in the UK th
is had been supported via the Cochran Collaboration and the Centre for
Dissemination and Reviews. Dissemination does not, however, guarantee
implementation. The complex nature of research utilization has been s
tudied and obstacles identified that can influence the uptake of resea
rch by practising nurses. Sandra Funk and colleagues developed the BAR
RIERS Scale using this research and literature on research utilization
. The scale may be helpful for identifying and measuring the barriers
to research utilization perceived by nurses working within the UK and
has formed the basis of the present study. A convenience sample of 316
comprising a broad spectrum of nurses working in the UK provided the
data. Comparison is made with North American nurses from the studies u
sed in the scale's development. The results suggest there are items wh
ich-are consistently perceived as either strong or negligible barriers
by both groups of nurses. Differences, however, did emerge between nu
rses from the UK and North America on several items. These included th
e confidence in evaluating research and the perception of the nurse's
authority to change patient procedures. Psychometric evaluation was al
so done. These findings are presented and discussed.