Using a kinetic model for low-frequency dust acoustic waves (DAW) in a
dusty plasma, we hare examined the effects of a dust-size distributio
n on their propagation and damping. Both Landau damping and damping du
e to dust charge variation are included. We consider Gaussian and powe
r-law dust-size distributions. In accordance with earlier results of M
elandso et al., we find that the dust Landau damping dominates at shor
t wavelengths. At wavelengths longer than the Debye length lambda(D0),
the dust-charge variation is generally dominant. It is always dominan
t for the power-law size distributions that we have studied. We also f
ind that if the upper and lower size limits of the dust are chosen so
that the average dust size remains constant, regardless of the power-l
aw exponent gamma, the wave properties are practically identical to th
ose of a monosize distribution of the average dust size. For a Gaussia
n dust-size distribution. Landau damping may be the dominant damping m
echanism if the dust plasma is tenuous (P much less than 1) and the wi
dth of the distribution is large.