Although in endometrioid type endometrial carcinoma depth of invasion
is a powerful predictor of extrauterine disease and survival, in serou
s carcinoma its importance is unclear. Recurrences and death in patien
ts with serous tumors confined to the endometrium or an endometrial po
lyp have been reported. In other studies, however, the absence of myom
etrial invasion was correlated with a more favorable course. In an att
empt to clarify this issue, we reviewed 13 completely staged, stage IA
serous carcinomas with follow-up from 10 to 93 months (median 38), in
which extensive histologic examination had been performed. Serous car
cinoma was identified in an endometrial polyp in six cases, in an endo
metrial polyp and associated endometrium in four, and solely in the en
dometrium in three cases. No other histologic types of endometrial car
cinoma were present, and there was no myometrial invasion. Multifocal
serous intraepithelial carcinoma was also seen in 12 cases. Two of the
patients died of disease with intraabdominal carcinomatosis at 10 and
14 months after presentation. The overall estimated survival was 83%,
showing a relatively favorable prognosis. In conclusion, although the
absence of histologically detected myometrial invasion may be associa
ted with recurrences and death in serous carcinoma, an accurately asse
ssed stage based on a careful histologic examination appears to be, at
present, the most reliable predictor of survival.