The young scientific field of sigmachorology (derived from sigma=sum o
f phytocoenoses) deals with the distribution of typified vegetation co
mplexes and investigates the vegetation-historical, physical-geographi
cal, and/or anthropogenic causes of distribution patterns of the compl
exes, e.g. with the help of coincidence analysis. Sigmachorology is a
biogeographical, landscape-ecological bridge discipline combining biol
ogy and geography. Up to now, results about chorological regularities
are available: for selected physiotopes (e.g. coastal habitats, bogs,
banks of running waters, rock complexes); and, to a lesser extent, for
larger landscape sections. Compared to chorological descriptions of c
hosen taxa or syntaxa, a higher level of integration is attained with
the help of sigmachorology, in order that some characteristics of ecos
ystems or ecosystem complexes can be better recognized and cartographi
cally depicted (e.g. trophic levels, mesoclimatic influences, hydrolog
ical particularities, disturbances, etc.). Vegetation complexes are of
ten used as landscape-ecological main features of ecosystems. There ar
e various application possibilities, e.g. in the framework of intermed
iate-scale maps (scale 1:100,000 and more), ''Environmental Impact Ass
essments'' (EIAs), or for biocoenological approaches.