The distribution, abundance and standing stock of macrophytes on the i
ntertidal reef flat at Agatti atoll (Lakshadweep, India) were recorded
in a total of 1234 quadrats in October 1993 and April 1994. Eighty se
ven species of macrophytes, including 16 new records, were observed on
the different islands. The reef flat at Agatti can be divided into th
ree zones partly correlated with physical factors. The upper zone is c
haracterized by Thalassia hemprichii, Boergesenia forbesii, Gracilaria
edulis and Valoniopsis pachynema, the middle zone by Gelidiella acero
sa, Laurencia papillosa and Ceramium sp., and the lower zone by Ulva l
actuca, Turbinaria ornata and Codium arabicum. Halimeda gracilis is do
minant in both the middle and lower zone. The majority of algae exhibi
ted patchy distributions, with seasonal fluctuations in their abundanc
e. Species diversity increased with distance from the shore while perc
entage cover and species richness exhibited the reverse trend. Herbivo
ry appeared significant with sea urchins as the major grazers. Algal a
bundance was reduced to one third in April mainly because of periodici
ty;governed by the monsoon. Macrophyte wet weight standing stock of Ag
atti reef flat was estimated to be 835 +/-: 59 t (October 1993) and 68
6 +/- 77 t (April 1994).