Some of the recent work on representing action makes use of high-level
action languages. In this paper we show that an action language can b
e represented as the sum of two distinct parts: an ''action descriptio
n language'' and an ''action query language.'' A set of propositions i
n an action description language describes the effects of actions on s
tates. Mathematically, it defines a transition system of the kind fami
liar from the theory of finite automata. An action query language serv
es for expressing properties of paths in a given transition system. We
define the general concepts of a transition system, of an action desc
ription language and of an action query language, give a series of exa
mples of languages of both kinds, and show how to combine a descriptio
n language and a query language into one. This construction makes it p
ossible to design the two components of an action language independent
ly, which leads to the simplification and clarification of the theory
of actions.