Rj. Krysztopik et al., LAZAROID IMPROVES INTESTINAL BLOOD-FLOW IN THE RAT DURING HYPERDYNAMIC BACTEREMIA, British Journal of Surgery, 84(12), 1997, pp. 1717-1721
Background Intestinal mucosal hypoperfusion and loss of barrier functi
on during sepsis may contribute to maintaining the septic state. Free
radicals are produced during sepsis and antioxidants improve survival
from experimental sepsis. It is unclear whether endothelial cell injur
y from free radicals results in altered microvascular reactivity. Laza
roids are antioxidants which scavenge radicals and block lipid radical
chain reactions. The authors sought to determine whether lazaroids al
tered the intestinal microvascular responses to sepsis. Methods In viv
o video microscopy was used to study the ileal microcirculation of the
rat. Al (inflow) arteriolar diameter and flow, A3 (premucosal) arteri
olar diameters, and cardiac output were measured. Lazaroid or vehicle
was infused before a bolus injection of live Escherichia coli or salin
e. Results Lazaroid alone had no effect on the intestinal vessels or h
aemodynamics. E. coli caused vasoconstriction (Al, -21 per cent, A3, -
19) per cent of baseline) and hypoperfusion (-36 per cent) despite inc
reased cardiac output (+31 per cent). Lazaroid significantly attenuate
d both constriction(Al, -11 per cent; A3, 10 to -1 per cent) and hypop
erfusion (-15 per cent), but did not increase cardiac output (30 per c
ent). Conclusion E. coli bacteraemia led to intestinal vasoconstrictio
n and hypoperfusion. Lazaroid reduced this effect without altering cen
tral haemodynamic responses, suggesting that free radicals have a dele
terious effect on the intestinal microcirculation during bacteraemia.