The existence of functionally polarized human T cell responses based o
n their profile of cytokine secretion in both the CD4+ T helper (Tn) a
nd the CD8+ T cytotoxic cell subset has been established. Human Th1 an
d Th2 cells not only produce a different set of cytokines but also exh
ibit distinct functional properties and preferential expression of som
e activation markers, such as LAG-3 and CD30, respectively. Several fa
ctors are involved in the Th cell differentiation into the polarized T
h1 or Th2 pathway. They include the cytokine profile of 'natural immun
ity' evoked by different offending agents, the nature of the peptide l
igand, as well as the activity of some costimulatory molecules and mic
roenvironmental ly secreted hormones, in the context of different host
genetic backgrounds. Polarized Th1-type and Th2-type responses play d
ifferent roles in protection, Th1 being effective in the defense again
st intracellular pathogens and Th2 against intestinal nematodes. Moreo
ver, they are responsible for different types of immunopathological re
actions. Th1 responses predominate in organ-specific autoimmune disord
ers, acute allograft rejection, unexplained recurrent abortions, and i
n some chronic inflammatory disorders of unknown etiology. In contrast
, Th2 responses predominate in Omenn's syndrome, transplantation toler
ance, chronic graft versus host disease, systemic sclerosis; moreover
allergen-reactive Th2 cells are involved in the triggering of atopic d