The IGF2 gene, which encodes a growth factor, is subject to genomic im
printing, The frequently observed loss of IGF2 imprinting in a variety
of tumors has been suggested to contribute to neoplasia, Since these
reports have not documented the imprinting status of IGF2 at the cellu
lar level, it cannot be excluded that the imprinting status might vary
within the tumor, The possibility that loss of IGF2 imprinting in neo
plastic cells reflects random imprinting patterns, was therefore addre
ssed, We show here that individual cell populations of the JEG-3 chori
ocarcinoma cell line display heterogenous imprinting patterns of both
IGF2 and H19, In addition, a lack of correlation between IGF2 and H19
imprinting status suggests that any regional parental imprint has been
functionally lost, This notion is reinforced by the observation that
JEG-3 cell subclones display a range of promoter-specific IGF2 allele
usage, Moreover, we observed that the imprinting status of H19 and IGF
2 were differentially modulated in JEG-3-derived tumors generated in n
ude mice, The results suggest that allele-specific expression of IGF2
operates in the absence of a parental imprint, Finally, our observatio
ns urge caution with respect to the general interpretation of bialleli
c expression as 'loss of imprinting'.