Modern finance would not have been possible without models. Increasing
ly complex quantitative models drive financial innovation and the grow
th of derivatives markets. Models are necessary to value financial ins
truments and to measure the risks of individual positions and portfoli
os. Yet when used inappropriately, the models themselves can become an
important source of risk. Recently, several well-publicized instances
occurred of institutions suffering significant losses attributed to m
odel error. This has sharpened the interest in model risk among financ
ial institutions and their regulators. This article describes various
models and discusses model errors characteristic of two types - valuat
ion models for individual securities, and models of market risk. It al
so reviews a number of practical issues related to model development a
nd describes the approach taken by bank regulators to model risk. The
author points out that a trade-off almost always exists between the re
alism and the analytical tractability of a model. Striking the right b
alance in the face of this trade-off, she writes, and maintaining it t
hrough changing market conditions for different financial instruments,
is more art than science and requires considerable and judgment.