Seasonal variations in the relative incidence of rhegmatogenous retina
l detachment were reported as a trend in several studies on the databa
se of relatively limited cohort sizes. Patients and methods: An analys
is on this topic was performed with a long-term database. A total of 3
073 files of patients with rhegmatogenous retinal detach ment, coverin
g 11 years of observation,were reviewed for this study. Patients with
signs of long standing detachment or other predisposing diseases were
excluded,so that a basic study population of 2314 patients remained fo
r the analysis. Results: The averaged seasonal incidence of rhegmatoge
nous detachments revealed a significant (P<0.005) mid-summer peak (n i
n July = 228) and a winter trough (mean of December-January=161; diffe
rence = 36%). Phase and curve fitting of the seasonal variations in th
e number of retinal detachment cases was similar to the seasonal varia
tion of the astronomic duration of the day (P<0.001). The relation was
closer compared to the average duration of light exposure per day cal
culated from behavioural data and the astronomic length of light phase
(P<0.0002). Conclusion:This long-time study revealed a close correlati
on of the relative seasonal incidence of retinal detachment and the se
asonal variation of light hours per day. So far, this observations can
not be explained pathogenetically. Two basic hypotheses ought to be in
vestigated further:(1)The influence of I ig ht on the generation of to
xic oxygen radicals and the subsequent destruction of the vitreous and
(2) possible light-induced changes in vitreoretinal adhesion.