Emphysema is due to destruction of lung tissue but the main cause of t
he dyspnoea is a diminished elasticity of the lungs. Medical therapy,
such as bronchodilation, corticosteroids, and treatment of intercurren
t: infections, can give temporary relief. Long-term oxygen treatment c
an improve and prolong life in patients with severe epmphysema. Lung t
ransplantation is a final option in selected patients. Rehabilitation
including excercise training will cause increase in maximal excercise
tolerance and decrease of dyspnoea, and thereby an improvement of qual
ity of life, In recent years surgical reduction of the lung volume has
been reintroduced and in selected cases given dramatic results. The g
oal is to reduce the volume in both lungs with about 30%. Depending on
the distribution of the emphysema, pieces of the upper or lower lobes
will be removed. Sternotomy or bilateral thoracoscopy, using staplers
, are the most common methods. Short-term results are good, with an im
provement of FEV1 of 22-96%, improved arterial oxygen pressure, and a
radical improvement of life quality. The impact on the daily life of t
he patient can be dramatic. The long-term results are still not well k
nown, and many questions remain before volume reduction surgery can be
regarded as an established form of treatment for emphysema, and rando
mized studies are badly needed.