Most requirements engineering (RE) research and practice embodies a ph
ilosophy that we will call abstractionism, which involves the building
of simplified models of domains of discourse and proposed systems. Ab
stractionists make much use of formal models, such as goal dependency
networks. An alternative design philosophy is contextualism, according
to which the particularities of the context of use of a system must b
e understood in detail before the requirements can be derived. Context
ualists use qualitative methods to uncover and help interpret these pa
rticularities. In this paper, we analyze what it would mean to combine
the best features of abstractionism and contextualism, and we ground
our discussion in an illustration of abstractionist and contextualist
thinking about RE through goal refinement (GR). In the context of the
domain of meeting scheduling, we contrast a wholly abstractionist appr
oach to GR with one that incorporates data gathered using two ethnogra
phic methods. In doing so, we consider each step of the abstractionist
approach, illustrating where ethnographic data obtained in our work e
nvironment affects the model produced. As we proceed, we summarize the
general lessons learned. We then discuss how other abstractionist and
contextualist methods could be integrated.