Specifying a reactive behavioral configuration for use by a multiagent
team requires both a careful choice of the behavior set and the creat
ion of a temporal chain of behaviors which executes the mission. This
difficult task is simplified by applying an object-oriented approach t
o the design of the mission using a construction called an assemblage
and a methodology called temporal sequencing. The assemblage construct
allows building high level primitives which provide abstractions for
the designer. Assemblages consist of groups of basic behaviors and coo
rdination mechanisms that allow the group to be treated as a new coher
ent behavior. Upon instantiation, the assemblage is parameterized base
d on the specific mission requirements. Assemblages can be re-paramete
rized and used in other states within a mission or archived as high le
vel primitives for use in subsequent projects. Temporal sequencing par
titions the mission into discrete operating states with perceptual tri
ggers causing transitions between those states. Several smaller indepe
ndent configurations (assemblages) can then be created which each impl
ement one state. The Societal Agent theory is presented as a basis for
constructions of this form. The Configuration Description Language (C
DL) is developed to capture the recursive composition of configuration
s in an architecture- and robot-independent fashion. The MissionLab sy
stem(1), an implementation based on CDL, supports the graphical constr
uction of configurations using a visual editor. Various multiagent mis
sions are demonstrated in simulation and on our Denning robots using t
hese tools.