Over the past few yeats, the idea that farnesyl-protein transferase (F
PTase) inhibitors might be effective antiproliferative/antitumor agent
s has been realized in studies of cultured cells and in rodent models
of cancer. Most of the studies with FPTase inhibitors have focused on
inhibiting the growth of ras-transformed cells in vitro or the growth
of ras-dependent tumors in mice. More recently, it has been recognized
that the antiproliferative effect of FPTase inhibitors may extend bey
ond ras-driven tumors. It now seems likely that the ability of FPTase
inhibitors to reverse the malignant phenotype results, at least in par
t, from inhibiting the farnesylation of proteins other than Ras. (C) C
urrent Biology Ltd ISSN 1367-5931.