Peripheral tissue injury results in a change in the excitability of sp
inal dorsal horn neurons, central sensitization, and the behavioral co
rrelate, hyperalgesia. It is proposed here that a dynamic balance exis
ts between excitatory and inhibitory synaptic input to the spinal dors
al horn that functions to prevent central sensitization following brie
f, mild, noxious stimulation, Following mon severe stimulation and inj
ury, there is a loss of these inhibitory mechanisms that allow central
sensitization to proceed. Single-unit recordings were made from L4-L5
deep dorsal horn neurons (wide dynamic range and nociceptive specific
) from barbiturate-anesthetized rats that were non-inflamed or had a c
arrageenan-inflamed hindpaw. Baseline test responses to mechanical sti
muli were obtained and normalized to 100%. An electrical conditioning
stimulus (1 Hz, 20 s, C-fiber strength) was applied to the tibial nerv
e or the neuronal receptive field. Five seconds later the test stimulu
s was repeated and the magnitude of response compared to baseline. Dur
ing the conditioning stimulus, 46% of the neurons from non-inflamed an
d inflamed rats showed wind-up although the magnitude of wind-up was s
ignificantly greater for inflamed rats. The remaining neurons showed n
o change (36-46%) or wind-down (8-18%), Five seconds following the end
of the conditioning stimulus 67% of the neurons from non-inflamed rat
s had attenuated responses to mechanical stimuli (36% of baseline), Th
e remaining neurons were either unaffected (30%) or facilitated (3%).
Following inflammation significantly fewer neurons (28%) had attenuate
d responses and the magnitude of attenuation was significantly less th
an in non-inflamed rats (54% of baseline). The responses of the remain
ing neurons were unaffected (54%) or facilitated (18%). During subsequ
ent test stimuli, thr responses of 30% of the neurons from non-inflame
d rats were facilitated to 140% of baseline, The responses of 46% of n
eurons from inflamed rats were facilitated to 160% of baseline. In the
se neurons there was significantly less initial attenuation following
inflammation compared to non-inflamed rats. The response of the neuron
during the electrical conditioning had no effect upon the response fo
llowing conditioning. The conditioning stimulus given transcutaneously
within the receptive field produced qualitatively similar results to
tibial nerve stimulation. In non-inflamed rats, when the conditioning/
test-stimulus interval was increased from 5 s to 10-30 s. the response
s of 20% of the neurons were attenuated (compared to 67%) and the mean
magnitude of attenuation was 52% of baseline (compared to 36% of base
line). However, the responses of only 33% of the neurons were ultimate
ly facilitated (compared to 30%). The present study documents a short
period following a low-frequency C-fiber input in which the response t
o natural stimuli is suppressed, It is suggested that this attenuation
, whether or not expressed, prevents a significant portion of deep dor
sal horn neurons from becoming sensitized to C-fiber input. This funct
ions to prevent central sensitization when the noxious stimulus does n
ot produce inflammation and it is not beneficial to the animal to beco
me hyperalgesic (i.e., to alter its behavior in order to protect an in
jured limb and reduce painful sensations). Following injury-producing
tissue damage and inflammation the mechanisms that produce the attenua
tion are reduced, with a concomitant increase in excitation to electri
cal and natural stimuli, suggesting that the attenuation is inhibitory
modulation of nociceptive input and injury results in a disinhibition
producing an increase in excitability and central sensitization. (C)
1997 Elsevier Science B.V.