It has been shown previously that the solvation energies of small mole
cules can be computed to useful accuracy with continuum models of the
solvent that separate the solvation energy into electrostatic and nonp
olar parts. The electrostatic part of the solvation energy can be comp
uted with detailed solutions of the Poisson equation, but such calcula
tions are time-consuming. This paper examines the reliability of an ap
proximate method for computing electrostatic solvation energies within
the continuum model. The central approximation is that, although the
electrostatic field is weakened by the high-dielectric solvent, the sh
ape of the field is not influenced by the solvent. This ''dielectric s
creening'' approximation appears to work well when used with a nonline
ar, lattice-based model of the solvent. Here, it is developed in the c
ontext of linear, continuum electrostatics. The optimal screening func
tion is found to depend upon the distribution of charge within the sol
ute. The present dielectric screening method performs well in comparis
ons with finite-difference solutions of the Poisson equation and with
experimental data, for a range of molecular systems.