Genetically related triploid populations of Tripsacum dactyloides segr
egating for sterility were shown to co-segregate with particular RFLP
markers. While the percentage of seedset varies within apomictic popul
ations, it is known that sterility, the absence of seed, is associated
with sexual reproduction in triploid populations. Given this, it is o
f interest that five out of 25 RFLP markers showed co-segregation with
the phenotype, percent seedset, scored on 86 individuals. This subset
of markers was chosen based on its coverage of the current Tripsacum
RFLP linkage map. These five markers are known to be linked to tile Tr
ipsacum linkage groups A, F, H, I, and L, and are syntenic in maize to
chromosomes 1, 7, and 6. It is significant that the five Tripsacum li
nkage groups discussed here have syntenic regions in maize. Specifical
ly these maize regions harbor genes regulating male sterility, defecti
ve kernel development, and gametophyte and fertility associated genes.