Clinical research in Internal Medicine has provided many scientific ad
vances during the past few years, However, the newly generated informa
tion overrides the time available to read all of the medical literatur
e regarding advances in Internal Medicine, The goal of this review is
to summarize some of the most relevant improvements in clinical practi
ce published over the last few years, From Cardiology to Pulmonology,
the authors of this review expose in a succinct way what they and many
of their peers consider to be the most transcendental information gat
hered from thousands of publications, The authors of this review artic
le have attempted to avoid sensationalism by including facts instead o
f just simply optimistic preliminary findings that can mislead clinici
ans' decision making, The review is focused on information obtained th
rough well-designed, prospective clinical trials and cohorts where the
effectiveness of medical interventions and diagnostic procedures were