An excess shear sediment detachment relation is commonly used in erosi
on prediction models. Traditional field methods for calibration of soi
l-dependent empirical constants are both expensive and conceptually su
spect. The subprocesses of sediment detachment and transport cannot be
physically separated, therefore they cannot be calibrated independent
ly. Impingement of a clear-water jet on a soil bed produces detachment
without transport at the point of maximum scout: In this article, a m
athematical description of the impinging jet scour process is used to
calibrate an excess shear detachment relation. Four calibration models
are developed based on variants of the jet-scour rate equations (diff
erential and integral form, each evaluated using arithmetic and logari
thmic values for dependent variables). All models assume detachment is
linearly related to excess shear. The validity of this calibration te
chnique has been tested in the laboratory by measuring scour depth ver
sus time for six different soils, all evaluated in a disturbed, satura
ted condition. A total of 14 replicates on the soils were conducted wh
ere hydraulic inputs were varied with replicate. Statistical analyses
were used to place confidence limits about the optimal sediment detach
ment values for each of the four models. Only the arithmetic different
ial model produced results considerably different than the other three
. The integrated log model produced the tightest confidence intervals
and this is suggested for further use. The size of the confidence inte
rvals demonstrates the replicability of the technique. The technique p
roduced detachment rate constants that are similar to field calibratio
n studies for soils of similar properties. Critical shear values are a
n approximate order of magnitude lower but all soils were evaluated on
ly in the highly erosive, disturbed unconsolidated, and saturated cond
ition. The technique can be applied to soils in other conditions and i
t is possible that this discrepancy is due to different soil condition