Snow accumulation records from central Greenland are explored to impro
ve the understanding of the accumulation signal in Greenland ice core
records. Results from a ''forest'' of 100 bamboo poles and automated a
ccumulation monitors in the vicinity df Summit as well as shallow core
s collected in the Summit and Crete areas are presented. Based on thes
e accumulation data, a regression has been calculated to quantify the
signal-to-noise variance ratio of ice core accumulation signals on a v
ariety of temporal (1 week to 2 years) and spatial (20 m to 200 km) sc
ales. Results are consistent with data obtained from year-round automa
ted accumulation measurements deployed at Summit which suggest that it
is impossible to obtain regional snow accumulation data with seasonal
resolution using four accumulation monitors positioned over a length
scale of similar to 30 km. Given this understanding of the temporal an
d spatial dependence of noise in the ice core accumulation signal, the
accumulation records from 17 shallow cores are revisited. Each core s
pans the time period from 1964 to 1983. By combining the accumulation
records, the regional snow accumulation record has been obtained for t
his period. The results show that 9 of the 20 years can be identified
as having an accumulation different from the 20 year mean with 99% con
fidence. The signal-to-noise variance ratio for the average accumulati
on signal sampled at annual intervals is 5.8 +/- 0.5. The averaged acc
umulation time series may be useful to climate modelers attempting to
validate their models with accurate regional hydrologic data sets.