As part of a model evaluation exercise, RothC-26.3, a model for the tu
rnover of organic carbon in non-waterlogged soils, was fitted to measu
rements of organic carbon from 18 different experimental treatments on
6 long-term experimental sites in Germany, England, the USA, the Czec
h Republic and Australia. In the fitting process, the model was first
run with an annual return of plant C that had been selected iterativel
y to give the carbon content of the soil at the start of each experime
nt. This was done for the soil and climate of each site. If the radioc
arbon content of the soil organic matter was known, the inert organic
carbon (IOM) content of the soil was also calculated for the start of
the experiment. Using these carbon and radiocarbon contents as a start
ing point, the model was then run for each of the experimental treatme
nts to be fitted, using iteratively selected values for the annual ret
urn of plant materials to the soil. The value used for each treatment
was selected to optimise the fit between modelled and measured data ov
er the whole experimental period: fitting was done by eye. Thus fitted
, RothC-26.3 gave an acceptable approximation to the measurements for
14 of the treatments, hearing in mind the experimental errors in measu
ring soil organic carbon on a per hectare ba is. With four of the trea
tments (Highfield Bare Fellow, Park Grass plot 13d. Ruzyne farmyard ma
nure plot and Tamworth rotation 5), the fit was less satisfactory. (C)
1997 Elsevier Science B.V.