This paper illustrates the capability of SR3D software to rigorously a
nalyze 3D radiating structures including wires (thin or thick), dielec
tric parts and finite ground planes. The analysis method is within the
class of boundary element method (BEM) and use integral equation form
ulation (combined field integral equation CFIE) to solve electromagnet
ic scattering problems. It includes a variational approach based on Ru
msey reaction concept. The problem is numerically solved with a surfac
e finite element method : surfaces of 3D conducting object and interfa
ces between dielectric domains are meshed using surface triangular pat
ches. We discuss on the numerical options chosen, the basis functions
used, discretization density, and treatment of wires. The last section
s emphasize the accuracy of the method on examples for which computed
and measured reflection coefficient and radiation patterns are compare