The effects of Rht alleles on root growth and distribution in isogenic
lines of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) are described under diff
erent environmental conditions. Above-ground biomass, root length, roo
t dry-weight and their distribution along the soil profile were measur
ed by destructive sampling for growth of aerial biomass and extraction
of soil cores containing roots. Field-experiments were conducted unde
r non-limiting water and nutritional conditions during two consecutive
years, using an early and a late sowing date each year.Dwarfing genes
significantly reduced plant height and above-ground biomass at anthes
is. In addition, stem mass ratio also was reduced with increases in th
e allelic dosage. Conversely, total root length and root dry-weight pe
r unit area at anthesis were increased with decreased plant height, th
erefore, root mass ratio tended to be negatively correlated with plant
height. Differences in distribution of root length and root dry-weigh
t through the soil profile among lines were largely confined to the up
per soil layers (i.e. the top 30 cm). Differences in root dry-weight w
ere more important than in root length, so that the dwarf line had the
highest root mass per unit root length. Furthermore, a significant po
sitive correlation between the root mass ratio and stem mass per unit
stem length was found. It is suggested that increases in root mass per
unit root length associated with Rht alleles are evidencing a surplus
of photoassimilates during stem elongation which are used for thicken
ing the roots due to the lack of alternative sinks. Agronomic implicat
ions of this effect are discussed.