Objectives: To assess, in men who were infected with the human immunod
eficiency virus (HIV) and who identified themselves as having had sex
with men; the nasopharyngeal prevalence of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, N me
ningitidis, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, and candida species; oral sex
ual behaviour; the relation between oral flora and oral sexual behavio
ur. Method: Nasopharyngeal swabs were taken from HN seropositive men f
or culture. The men were also asked to complete a self administered qu
estionnaire. Results: 390 men were recruited; 286 (73.3%) provided nas
opharyngeal samples and questionnaires; 41 (10.5%) provided nasopharyn
geal samples only; 63 (16.2%) provided questionnaires only. From the 3
27 nasopharyngeal samples N meningitidis was cultured in 49 (15%) and
candida species in 165 (50.5%). Cultures for N gonorrhoeae and C dipht
heriae were all negative. Data from the 349 completed questionnaires i
ndicated that 285 men were practising oro-penile sex, over 90% did not
consistently use condoms; 150 men were practising oro-anal sex, one u
sed dental dams. In those providing both nasopharyngeal samples and se
xual behaviour data meningococcal carriage was identified in 40 (17.5%
) of the 228 men practising receptive oro-penile sex, compared with on
e (2.3%) of the 43 non-practisers (p < 0.025); in 21 (20%) of the 105
men practising insertive oro-anal sex, compared with 17 (12.5%) of the
136 non-practisers (p = 0.12). No correlation was identified between
yeast carriage and oro-genital sex. Conclusion: Oro-genital sex, usual
ly without barrier protection, is common among HIV infected men who ha
ve sex with men. It appears to be associated with increased meningococ
cal carriage but is autonomous to candida species isolation. Routine s
creening for nasopharyngeal N gonorrhoeae is not deemed necessary.