The Park-and-Ride Scheme (PRS) is a demand management instrument used
to help alleviate the problem of traffic congestion in Singapore. Afte
r an abortive launch as a bus-based PRS in 1975, it was revived in 199
0 as a mass-transit-based PRS and subsequently fine-tuned over the yea
rs. A survey of 122 PRS users in 1996 found that cost savings were a m
ajor incentive for participating in the PRS. It is suggested that to a
ttract more users, tighter financial restraints such as higher charges
for entering and parking in the CBD (Central Business District) shoul
d be employed. Operational problems faced by users such as restrictive
operating hours and unsuitable car park locations should also be atte
nded to. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.