Modern space vehicles structure requisites are getting more and more s
tringent and complex as mission tasks become more sophisticated. This
leads to the necessity of developing analysis methods that take into a
ccount structure flexibility and the need of reducing manoeuvre time a
s much as possible. In this work, a method based on the Hamilton Princ
iple in its weak mixed form is developed, in which co-ordinates deriva
tives do not appear, but only their virtual variations. The proposed f
ormulation is able to take into account system flexibility and saturat
ion constraints on control torques and forces. A non-linear variationa
l condition is obtained, which can be solved by means of a time-finite
-eIement technique to give the minimum-time solutions of the control p
roblem. The solutions for slewing manoeuvres are given, along with a n
ew solution of the distributed optimal control problem.