An experimental design For a nonlinear sludge blanket interface settli
ng model was examined. The model describes sludge settling in a batch
reactor as a function of time having two parameters. The criterion app
lied in detecting the minimal sampling schedule was the D-optimality.
The design was constructed on the basis of the Wynn-Fedrov algorithm.
The algorithm proved its validity leading to a logical result. The opt
imal sampling design consists of two measurement points which is equal
to the number of parameters to be estimated. This is a generally obse
rved result in D-optimality and can be interpreted that in the D-optim
ality the information per implemented observation is maximized. In add
ition to the determination of optimal sampling schedule, the experimen
tal design can be used in examining models. The two measurement paints
have the same weights indicating that the parameters are equally impo
rtant in the examined model. The results also show that a small change
in the nominal values of the parameters have a minor effect on the ou
tput of the studied model. The model output is more sensitive to the c
hanges in the parameter alpha than to the changes in the parameter C.
In the field of environmental engineering, model oriented observationa
l design is rarely utilized, although it might be helpful in achieving
better understanding of models and more effective utilization of reso
urces. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.