We develop methodologies to obtain accurate measurements of shear wave
splitting and apply these techniques to examine the pattern of oceani
c upper mantle anisotropy. To obtain high-quality estimates of receive
r splitting at island stations, we devise a stacking method that finds
the optimum splitting parameters and 95% error region for teleseismic
shear-wave phases from a suite of earthquake events. To obtain additi
onal measurements in oceanic regions, we develop techniques to measure
splitting parameters and errors for SS phases that sample upper mantl
e anisotropy at their bounce points. However, we find the data are oft
en of low resolution, and anomalous characteristics are sometimes foun
d that make splitting difficult to interpret. Ten second splitting of
SS is observed across the BANJO seismic array, but we cannot unambiguo
usly attribute this signal to mantle anisotropy at the bounce. The rec
eiver splitting methods are used to assess the adequacy of a two aniso
tropic layer model for the Pacific region, with fast polarization azim
uth (phi) in the lithosphere oriented in the fossil spreading directio
n and phi in the asthenosphere oriented in the absolute plate motion d
irection. This model has been proposed to explain surface wave data in
the Pacific Ocean, but our splitting results demonstrate that oceanic
anisotropy patterns are more heterogeneous than would be predicted. W
hile the island splitting measurements could reflect the influence of
individual hotspot upwellings, hotspot effects do not appear to be uni
versally dominant. We propose that splitting observations alternativel
y indicate broad-scale differences in the underlying character of ocea
nic upper mantle anisotropy, associated with coherant patters of litho
spheric structure and asthenospheric flow. In particular, splitting, s
urface wave models, and regional studies all support a model where lit
hospheric anisotropy throughout the South Pacific has been erased or r
eoriented toward the absolute plate motion direction, whereas more lim
ited observations in the North Pacific indicate that the fossil lithos
pheric signature appears to be preserved.