Flow parameters (velocity and density) for turbidity currents in the N
orthwest Atlantic Mid-Ocean Channel (NAMOC) have been determined based
on two different approaches, channel geometry and grain-size distribu
tions of turbidites. Channel geometry has been obtained by a quantitat
ive morphological analysis of the NAMOC which shows three genetically
different segments in the upper 2000 km: (1) an upper 350 km-long 'equ
ilibrium channel', (2) a middle 700 km-long 'modified equilibrium chan
nel' and (3) a lower 'basement-controlled channel' which is more than
1000 km-long. In contrast to other meandering submarine channels the N
AMOC has very low sinuosities and gradients. A consistently higher rig
ht-hand levee limits mean flow velocities to 3 m s(-1) and channel geo
metry indicates mean flow velocities of 0.86 m s(-1) that decrease wit
hin the equilibrium channel to 0.05 m s(-1). Grain-size distributions
on the levees and in the channel suggest strong vertical velocity and
density gradients for bank-full flows with velocities of up to 8 m s(-
1) and excess densities up to 87 kg m(-3) at the base, and 0.45 m s(-1
) and 4 kg m(-3) at the top. The internal shear produced by these stro
ng vertical gradients results in a decoupling of the current head and
body. Channel geometry appears to be mainly the result of the slowly m
oving dilute body of the current.