Patients with monoclonal gammopathies comprise a heterogenous group. T
he few studies on incidence and follow-up are single-centre-based and
may reflect referral bias. To avoid this, all patients (n = 1275) in m
idwestern Netherlands with a newly discovered paraproteinaemia in 1991
, 1992 and 1993 were included in a population-based registry and divid
ed into four major diagnostic groups: multiple myeloma and plasmacytom
a (n = 230, 18%), other haematological diseases (n = 141, 11%), parapr
otein-related internal diseases (n = 191, 15%) and monoclonal gammopat
hy of undetermined significance (MGUS, n = 713, 56%). To avoid a possi
bly erroneous diagnosis, patients who were classified as having MGUS b
ut who did not undergo confirmatory bone marrow examination were inclu
ded in a separate group 'provisional MGUS' (n = 524, 41%), whereas pat
ients who did were classified as having 'definite MGUS' (n = 189, 15%)
. The 'provisional MGUS' patients were relatively older and had more o
ften a poor performance status, but differences between this and the '
definite MGUS' group were otherwise small. Patients complaining of gen
eral malaise more often had a full work-up of their paraproteinaemia.
Bone pain, hypercalcaemia, high total protein, and high ESR occurred p
redominantly in the myeloma group, whereas fever or infection was less
often seen in these patients. This registry of patients with paraprot
einaemias provided valuable data related to all different diseases ass
ociated with paraproteinaemia.